Bluestocking dreams!

Believe in Me (The Worthington's #6) by Ella Quinn          

Warm historical romance that has us looking for the HEA and wondering (from our 21st century perspective) why they can't see the solution as we do.
Lady Augusta Vivers wants to pursue her studies at Padua University and is moving heaven and earth to do so. Augusta's mother wants her married! And men keep being attracted to Augusta even though she gives them not one iota of encouragement. What is the problem? The answer is ironically superb. I loved it, even though it didn't help Augusta at all, rather just confused her even more.
Lord Phineas Carter-Wood wants to continue his travels investigating architecture of other ancient cultures and especially European masterworks. He has however promised his brother, the Marquis of Dorchester, to marry and produce a son and heir for the future of the family estates as Dorchester seems to only produce girls.
Now these two meet and Phineas is sure Augusta will fit the bill. Wildly intelligent and attractive, what could be better or stand in his way. Oh, just a little matter of the lady's determination to enter hallowed halls of learning.
The resolution involves travels to parts of Europe difficult to reach due to road conditions, would be bandits and finding ones true heart.
A lively and interesting read!

A NetGalley ARC



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