Be still my beating heart!

Barbarous (The Outcasts #2) by Minerva Spencer        

A reread because I'd lost my review notes confirmed that Minerva Spencer is a fantastic historical romance writer. The opening is brilliant and I just read it through again for the sheer joy of the moment.
This time the focus of the novel is Captain Hugh Redvers first met in Dangerous.
A privateer, Barbary coast pirate, ex slave and a man not to be taken lightly meets his match when he makes the acquaintance of his aunt by marriage. Hugh had reportedly died. He'd eschewed his heritage for the high seas and making his own way.
Lady Daphne Davenport is torn. How to tell her story to this man who takes her breath away. How to do justice for the real Baron Ramsay, not her young son (the older of twins BTW--and what a lively pair they are!)
Of course there's a few villains along the way including the disgusting Cousin Malcolm.
But all that is put to one side when it seems she might be in danger. And Hugh is a definite added danger--the sort Daphne wants to flee from even as she leans in for more. A decidedly steamy relationship develops between these two when not fighting each other, brigands, pirates and nasty, nasty Lords.
A witty, vibrantly entertaining, read!

A Kensington ARC via NetGalley



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