Truly inspiring!

A beautiful story that takes the Book of Exodus and gives it a human face. Not just that, but we see the experience from the viewpoint of the Egyptian young woman Kiya. Kiya's life has changed when her father's business fails and she is sold into slavery to allow her mother and much beloved brother to go free. Her life goes literally from great riches to the depths of agony and despair. As a slave she comes into contact with a young Hebrew woman, Shira.
This is at a time just before the Exodus out of Egypt begins. 
The failing of Kiya's gods in the face of Yahweh and then the flight from Egypt and the challenges of journey in the wilderness is fascinating. The picture painted of the plagues that beset Egypt are vividly painted and entirely believable. As Kiya's whole belief system is being destroyed, the story argues for the 'stranger within the gate' concept when Shira aka Kirya, her mother and her brother to join her family on the night of the last most devastating judgement on the Egypt. The novel brings to reality the experience of the various plagues visited upon Egypt--exposing to Aliya, in visitation by visitation the powerlessness of the various Egyptian gods in the face of Yahweh.
What comes through is the freedom to choose, the love and grace of Yahweh, and Yahweh's awesomeness.
The enormity of the trek from one group of exiles perspective unfolds brilliantly, and the extent of Yahweh's grace is masterfully portrayed.

A NetGalley ARC



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