the Duke carries the day

What I found most fascinating about this story was the practice of psychiatrists of the time committing to asylums those whose family's wanted them out of the way. Great research by Manda Collins, and pulling this in as the raison d'être gives an excellent hook for the plot. For me the actual execution just didn't live up to that premise.
I liked Ophelia, I liked Trent and yet for some reason their story didn't come together with the verve it should have. I wasn't grabbed by it. I truly wanted to be. 
There just didn't seem to be the electricity between Ophelia and Trent that I expected.
There were disconnections. And yet as I rerun the plot in my mind it had it all. Super plot, feisty heroine, hunky Duke, wonderful friends, villains, annoying mother and loving father à la Jane Austen. The dots just weren't joined with enough oomph.
However it was an enjoyable light read and I do feel I want to read the rest of the series at some stage. With the larger picture in hand I may view things differently.
I must admit the title still has me puzzled, but then Trent did wear black and he is a very good man.

A NetGalley ARC



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