
Well, well, well! What an interesting method to look more closely at Holmes than via Mrs Hudson. A Mrs Hudson we don't know but who in this portrait opens up to be more than the shadow puppet we know whose occasionally exasperated by Sherlocke and yet looks after him so thoroughly. Wonderfully executed and so exciting.
Oh my, the further I read the more fascinating the 'who' of Mrs Hudson becomes.  Mrs Hudson and her relationship with Holmes is so deftly woven into the current moment ... or maybe it's Holmes relationship with Mrs Hudson.
And Mary manages to get caught in between in the old history to do with Mrs Hudson--her past that comes a-callin'. That past is taken up, explained and re-examined. We see Mrs Hudson as a child and her relationship with her sister--who's a nasty piece of work, spoilt, self-centred and vindictive. Maybe narcissistic? And Mrs Hudson's father is an absolute fright, dragging Mrs Hudson into all sorts of illicit activities.
Death, deceit, dangerous criminal elements and vengeance all have their  part to play.
So unusual, I absolutely loved it.

A NetGalley ARC



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