Laughed out loud—Frequently! Not bad for the 2nd time around!

Swordheart by T. Kingfisher 


I had so much trouble controlling my laughter especially as it was 3am in the morning and my partner was sound asleep. 😂🤣😂

Halla had to her complete surprise inherited her great uncle Silas’ estate. Silas’ sister Malva is not happy. So much so that Malva has imprisoned Halla in her attic bedroom until she consents to marry Malva’s son, Cousin Alver, he of the clammy hands. Looking around for a way to escape and finding none, she resorts to trying to stab herself using an old sword. She draws the sword a few inches when with a flash of electric blue light, out pops the sword’s resident guardian who will protect whomever draws the sword. He’s shocked because Halla’s scantily clothes, and Halla because, well, could this day get any worse? Halla becomes garrulous. She asks questions when she faces danger. Most people ignore her and think she’s empty headed. However it seems Sarkis is now sworn to defend her, garrulous or not.

Which leads to them fleeing Rutger’s Howe and heading for Archen’s Glory the capital of Archenhold to find the temple of the White Rats.

The White Rat priests become involved—always fun!

A wonderful tale of missteps, misadventure, and misdirected set in the very dynamic world of Archenhold.

(The Deluxe hard cover edition.)

A Tor ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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