Be prepared for a wild, hilarious ride!

Can't Help Faking in Love: A Novel by Swati Hegde      


Harsha Godbole has moved out from under her wealthy parent’s influence and is trying to make it on her own doing what she wants to—photography.

Harsha spent time studying in the United States but has moved back to Bangalore.

Her self centered, difficult parents (Wow!), Bollywood magnauts, want her to marry someone as rich as they are, preferably an arranged marriage like her cousin Neha.

When Harsha runs into her mean girl cousin who’s just become engaged to a successful, uptight neurosurgeon Dr. Rohan Jha, Neha decides Harsha’s companion must be her latest crush. He’s not! He’s the barista from Harsha’s favorite coffee haunt. Somehow in the confusion of the moment Harsha presents Veer Kennan as a district manager for the Suntag Coffee consortium.

Next thing we know Harsh’s paying Veer to be her fake boyfriend. Apart from the impeding craziness of it all, Veer’s been beside himself trying to work out how to pay his brother’s university fees. So against his better judgement it’s game on.

So as you can imagine the plot runs fast with anguish, humor and romance all twisted up against the backgrounds of our two main characters.

The plot, and subsequently my interest, never flagged. I read this in one fell swoop! I loved it!

A Random House ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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