What’s happening in Venice?

A Refiner’s Fire (Commissario Guidio Brunetti Mysteries #33) by Donna Leon 

Young teenagers are forming what are called “baby gangs” They’re fighting each other on the streets of Venice late at night. They’re highly volatile, pumped up with testosterone, and heedless of anyone crossing their path when in the grip of battle fever. Commissario Claudia Griffoni confesses to Brunetti the danger she feels, and the trouble brewing.

Arrests are made after one battle in the Piazzetta. Griffoni is on duty that night, taking part in recording names and arranging for parents to collect their sons. All are picked except for one boy, Orlando Monforte. Griffoni walks him home, a somewhat unwise move as it transpires. They have coffee and pizza at various places enroute to his residence.

It turns out Orlando's father is a hero of the Iraq War. His troop was on duty as peace keepers in Iraq when their headquarters was rammed by a truck filled with explosives.  A conflagration happened, a fireball erupted. Many were killed. Italy was in shock. Amidst the raging fires, Dario Monforte  rescued two of his comrades. Newspapers called him the “Hero of Nasiriyah.” 

How then did this “baby battle” suddenly have Brunetti immersed in blackmail, investigating a hero’s past, looking into possible art thefts, finding a friend being threatened and his valuable statues smashed, and the baby gangs letting it be known that something BIG was about to happen?

Brunetti is on the cusp of a changing world. His Venice is disappearing, change is afoot. Yet it’s old memories that will shine light on new challenges. 

An enigmatic, reflective work, thought provoking without much being said. 

As always a pleasure to read Leon’s elegantly crafted and refined works. An exquisite read.

A Grove Atlantic ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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