Home is where the secrets are!

Tipping Point (Detective Kate Miles #3) by Dinuka McKenzie             


Northern Rivers NSW. Kate Miles is a cop who’s returned to work in her home town of Esserton.

But now two men are dead, childhood friends of her brother Luke. One, Antony Reed in Sydney, the other Marcus Rowntree,  son of a local film star. Marcus appears to have fallen and shot himself whilst out in the paddocks drunk, taking potshots at rabbits.

Luke, Kate’s brother has come home for Marcus’ funeral and to escape the fallout from a sex scandal with a coworker and the very real possibility of charges being laid, is viewed as a possible suspect in Marcus’ death.

Kate finds herself relegated to the back row when the new acting commander of the station turns up. He turns out to be an ex lover. Kate’s been trying to move forward with her marriage and career, thus the relocation.

Career and family relations have become even more complicated. Even more so when Ant’s father claims his son was murdered and wants Kate to investigate.

A novel heavy with atmosphere, feelings of oppression and hints of time moving slowly coalescing in a moment of revelation.

A Canelo ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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