Another riveting episode in the history of Cyador.

From the Forest (Saga of Recluce #23) by L. E. Modesitt, Jr  


There are times when I wish I were not such a quick reader. Why? Because I truly think Modesitt’s works are to be savoured and reflected upon. Weaving the lines of connecting characters both major and minor are to be well explored. But alas, I become totally engrossed and couldn’t slow down. I needed to continue, to see what was around the corner.

After reading the chat forum on Modesitt’s home page my understanding deepened. Thank you! ( ) One member, Bill M. pointed out where Modesitt has cross referenced his new book “From the Forest” with Magi’i of Cyador where the Emperor Alyiakal is a footnote in the history books of Cyad.  

“Despite his many successes in establishing the current borders of modern Cyador, and his formalization of the balanced power structure that has come to govern Cyador, he has become the “One Never to be Mentioned” among the Magi’i and Mirror Lancers of Cyad.” (Magi’i of Cyador XIII p.56)

I raced to hold the plot together, whilst continually wondering what would come next. When I arrived at the end I found myself desperate for the next book in the series, but settled for taking up a reread of the Magi’i of Cyad titles arc.

In ‘From the Forest’ Alyiakal is being tutored by a white mage in the hopes of him evincing some Magi’i aptitudes. His father is a Mirror Lancer Majer who has risen through the ranks. He hopes for more for his son. Alyiakal has some slight aptitude for healing.  He’s grown up in Jakaafra, an area bordering the Accursed Forest. He’s interacted with the Forest and people who belong there. Does this awaken his senses? Maybe! It does make for very interesting suppositions. 

During his Mirror Lance training, he  studies with a healer who sees that he’s more than thought. The healer advises Alyiakal to strengthen his wards, even to develop wards within wards.

Whilst training as a Mirror Lancer Alyiakal befriends HyrsaalHyrsaal suggests he correspond with his bored, much younger and inquisitive sister Saelora. They correspond over the years.

Alyiakal is eventually posted to an Undercaptain position in a remote area at Pemedra near the border with Kyphros, fighting barbarians.

At Pemedra, Alyiakal discovers a road of the First Ones that has been forgotten, or deliberately let slide from memory, and Kyphran raiders holding down ruins that First One’s machinery is hidden in. 

Things become challenging. Alyiakal wonders if he’ll be conveniently killed or shipped off.

The ties between merchants, mirror lancers, and magi’i for many are those of greed and power. A far cry from what Alyiakal sees as his role.

On the more personal front, I love the deferential way Alyiakal interacts with Saelora who becomes a fully fledged merchanter. Something rare for a woman.

I absolutely loved From the Forest! This is the first episode of Alyiakal—of his journey somehow from Mirror Lancer to Emperor. 

I couldn’t put it down! Another intriguing, full to over flowing, page turner from Modesitt!

A Tor ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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