A new world, plots unveiled, a TREAT!

The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett  


Wow! A mysterious fantasy that just became more complex and intriguing the further I read.

Anna Dolabra, an eccentric imperial investigator is assigned to uncover the truth behind the death of an imperial engineer by contagion of a tree. (Truly horrible and bizarre, as are many things in this fantastical, almost mythological world).

We see most of the action through Anna’s newly genetically altered assistant, Dinios Kol. Kol is unsure of his actions, and only slightly bewildered by his superior’s ways such as seeing the crime scene through Kol’s reports, whilst constantly wearing a blindfold.

All this in an Empire sporting improbably altered beings, holding at bay leviathans whose blood infects, and contagions that have had whole regions and their peoples destroyed, the country side razed and closed off.

Off course there’s plots within plots but who is behind the contagions that are so selective? Most importantly what are they hiding?

I loved this tale combining two of my favorite genres, mystery and fantasy.

Penguin Random House  ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.

Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change


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