Jack o’nine lives!

Murdering The Messenger (Bloody Mary Tudor Mystery #8) by Michael Jecks        


Jack, Jack, Jack! In between playing the gallant (in his own eyes more likely than not), escaping various complications he’s unwittingly set in motion, being a self confessed man of great appeal to the ladies, and the assassin for John Blount, (who works for Elizabeth) … well, there’s never a dull moment!

Jack more falls into situations than by any shrewd planning, and then has the devil’s own luck when pulling his irons out of the fire.

He’s moved into a new neighbourhood to escape the dunning of the tavern keeper Pudge who had provided food and drink for a party Jack didn’t throw. More complications!

Attending church (as one did in those days of Mary Tudor’s reign) Jack spies a lovely lady, Rachael Nailor, and fortuitously she arranges to meet with him. Only it’s not his charm she’s drawn to, oh no! She works for Elizabeth and Jack has been ordered to accompany her on a trip to France. Now we know after his last adventures away from London, Jack doesn't want to leave his beloved city, ever!

He’s going, that is until the lovely Rachael is found with her throat slit in the vestry of the church she’d supposedly gone to meet Jack. More trouble for him!

Well it’s downhill from here on for our anti hero, until the fog clears and Jack ‘o’nine lives’ once more walks clear.

Another, almost nonsensical couple of weeks in the life of our comic anti hero Black Jack!

A Severn House ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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