Who can you trust?

A Truth to Lie For (Elena Standish #4) by Anne Perry


Despite her troubles with her last assignment Elena is once again called on by MI6 to take part in an operation. This time it’s back in Berlin (a place Elena escaped by the skin of her teeth) to escort a German chemist out from under the Reich’s nose. He’s part of the German chemical warfare program. The head of the division is a sworn enemy of Marcus Standish, Elena’s grandfather and previous head of M16. If he identifies and captures Elena, Marcus is in no doubt of the outcome. 

Of course problems arise. Things don’t go to plan. Elena is forced to contact a previous source for help.  She ends up driving across Germany in her efforts to fulfil her mission.

Does Elena’s character develop? Not really. She’s on some sort of plateau. She still has ground to makeup. It will take time for MI6 to forget her past challenges. But then they’re all members of the same old boys’ network.

This German intervention was harrowing for Elena, and as equally ghastly for us. She did show courage and agility of thought. Maybe she’s come further than I’ve given her credit for.

A Random House - Ballantine ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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