Interesting plot vividly drawn.

Once a Laird (Rogues Redeemed #6) by Mary Jo Putney    


Kai Douglas Ramsay left the remote Thorsay Islands in Scotland when his sweetheart died. His life was one of danger and adventure and a restless pursuit of antiquities. When the tale begins Kai is with the British Embassy in Constantinople acting as the Under Secretary for Special Projects. Read spy and problem solver!
Kai is one of five men held captive in a cellar in Portugal during the Napoleonic wars.  They were to be executed by one a French colonel as spies. They managed to escape and made a pact to meet after the war. Their stories move forward and this is Kai’s.
Kai’s childhood friend and sister to his dead fiancĂ©, Signy Matheson calls him back to the Islands, back home. His grandfather the Laird of Thorsay is dying. (BTW I’m inclined to think that how the fair Gisela died whilst true, was overacted.)
I must say I enjoyed Kai’s story. Putney’s prose had me visualising the landscape, the various Viking artefacts Kai and Signey uncovered. I swear I could smell the sea air. There’s lost treasure, looters, danger and love.
The flow between events was not as smooth as I’d hoped for but a captivating work despite this.

A Kensington Books ARC via NetGalley 


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