Venice—family mysteries!

One Great Lie by Deb Caletti               


Caletti’s  YA novel with 17 year old student Charlotte cutting a literary swathe through Venice (that is if you count her research hours as a swathe!) Having been awarded the chance too attend a summer writer’s program in Venice led by her favourite Italian author Luca Bruni heads off taking with her a book of poetry, The Verses, supposedly written by a fifteenth century ancestor, Isabella di Angelo, a “great-great-(too many greats too count)-grandmother on her mother’s side.”
Things don’t quite go according to plan and Charlotte ends up trying to track down Isabella and her writings.
Of course their two lives collide in the written sense, the hunt for Isabella, who she was is fascinating—a mystery to be solved if possible.
Likewise Charlotte’s journey has moments—of darkness and light, surrounding her search. This is equally as fascinating.

A Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing ARC via NetGalley 
Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)


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