Engrossing medieval mystery!

Murder at Beaulieu Abbey (Abbess of Meaux Mystery #11) by Cassandra Clark              


I really enjoy Hildeguard of Meaux and the two fighting monks militant who accompany her on her missions, Brother Gregory and Brother Egbert.
Assigned by her Prioress to escort a betrothed young Cornish heiress back to Meaux Abbey from the Royal Abbey Beaulieu, until her future husband becomes older, all seems fairly simple. The heiress is engaged to the son of Sir William de Hutton, who lives near to Beaulieu. Beneath that is a more concerning matter that goes to the survival of Meaux Abbey. It’s 1390 and two leaders, Pope Boniface and challenger, anti-pope Clement,  are locked in a struggle for supremacy. Hildegarde is charged to find out how the land lies during her stay at the Royal Abbey, 
The simple escort assignment turns into a kidnapped heiress, the father of her betrothed raging around the Beaulieu area causing havoc, and an outcast Robin Hood type person dealing further unrest.
So many moving parts I wondered where the true story would lead.
I guessed at some things which of course I only realized when all was revealed. 
I also love looking at these historical times through the eyes of the people—even if fictionalized.
Hildeguard is no backwater nun. She’s a woman of experience, astute and wise. I adore her.

A Severn House  ARC via NetGalley 


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