
Shake Loose the Border (Border Reivers #3) by Robert Low       


A fascinating look at this time of 1548 Scottish history. A life of violence is Batty Coalhouse's  heritage. Known for his abilities to get the job done he takes on an unasked for task; to rescue one Will Elliot, Lord of Newark in Fife's Steward, being held by reiver enemies. The rescue attempt leads to even more confrontations and conflict. There's the truly disgusting opportunist, a reiver, styling himself the Laird of Blackscargil whom Batty faces time and again.
And Batty's thoughts are true words, 
"No matter that the war atween Scotch and English is trickling to a close, he thought; for the reivers it is just a better excuse to shake loose the Border."
Trapped by his reputation as a hard fighter, trapped by the more powerful and trapped by his, almost melancholic inner voices. No way out! But then Batty "has a fire for vengeance." Batty "has shaken forth the Border" not because he wanted to but because others have unwittingly set him on that path. That path takes him into increasingly dangerous situations. Along the way he faces both friends and old enemies. His reputation makes him a target.
The battles, the fighting and carnage descriptors, with accompanying atrocities are brutal.  These aspects are not a read for the faint hearted.
Despite all this Batty Coalfield is a reluctant anti hero with heart.

A Canelo ARC via NetGalley 
Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change


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