Seasonal Mackenzies! Joy!

A Mackenzie Clan Christmas (Mackenzie series)
by Jennifer Ashley            

Two Christmas season stories with my favorite MacKenzie man taking a lead role, Ian with his wife Beth and their three children.

A Mackenzie Yuletide
At two in the morning Mac is painting in his room at the top of Kilmorgan Castle when he's disturbed by what appears to be the ghost of a woman. He pursues the trailing  apparition without success. Later, the younger Mackenzies decide to help, after a humorous start.
Ian wants to purchase a special present for his Beth for Hogmanay. A heavy gold "antique necklace with intricately worked loops of gold and hung with emeralds and lapis lazuli." Unfortunately its disappeared. Ian brings his unwavering focus to bear on solving the problem, not realizing that his son Jamie is going toe to toe with him trying to find the piece.

A Mackenzie Clan Gathering
I had read this previously and a second reading in no way diminished my enjoyment. Thieves break into Kilmorgan Castle and steal Hart's art collection. Ian wakes sensing something amiss. His first thoughts are for Beth and his children. The artworks are discovered abandoned. This is only the first attack. It will be Ian who finally works out the mystery. Only after plenty of happenings though. The turning up of Beth's first husband's brother, John Ackerley adds another dimension.

All the family make appearances, after all they are gathering at Kilmorgan Castle for the season.
The redeemed illegitimate half brother to the Mackenzies, Lloyd Fellows, now a chief superintendent at Scotland Yard, is involved in both stories. Wouldn't have it any other way!

A Berkley Group ARC via NetGalley



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