
Cilka's Journey: A Novel  by Heather Morris            

What more can I do than add my praises to the already resounding accolades this novel deserves
Before opening the pages I'd wondered if I really wanted to face more evidence of the sorry state of misery that mankind so frequently doles out. The inhumane actions of the powerful inflicting pain on the powerless, the mindlessness of bureaucratic decisions that completely annihilate the hopes of the individual. Such suffering and torment goes unheeded. 
Despite this, at its heart, Cilka's Journey also points to the redemptiveness of the human psyche and how some soar despite their circumstances.
Heart wrenching and heart warming, this is a work to be treasured for its willingness to face the hard realities of history, with underpinning forays of resilience to be nurtured.
All I can say is that Heather Morris is an amazingly gifted story teller.

A St. Martin's Press ARC via NetGalley 



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