My favorite type of 'unusual' Christmas Regency romance!

Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish 
(The Duke's Daughters #1, The Wyndham's #4) 
by Grace Burrowes          

This is probably my fourth or so reading about Lady Sophie and Vim Charpentier and it still delights and gives me the warm fuzzies. I adore Sophie and Vim!
Both of these people are endearing, loveable and different. Lady Sophie Windham has found herself in possession of a few stolen days in the family mansion, by herself! A pleasure she's determined to take advantage of. Vim Charpentier is passing through London enroute to discovering conditions on his estates. He's received urgent missives from both his Uncle and Aunt.
But fate intervenes and Vim and Sophie find themselves trapped in London by the winter storm and circumstances. The inclusion of an unlooked for baby as the piece that holds these two together is enchanting.
The 'rescue' scene and resultant journey with Sophie's brothers is humorously adorable, especially as these hulking brothers try to overwhelm Vim! They are so protective of their sister. (A tad late is all I can say!)
Grace Burrowes is one of my top historical romance writers and her Duke's Daughters series, including Lady Sophie, is right up there.
Pleasurable at the first read, this wonderful Christmas romance never disappoints.

A Sourcebooks Casablanca Paperback ARC via NetGalley



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