Of rogues and relics!

Traitor's Codex (Crispin Guest Medieval Noir #12) 
by Jeri Westerson             

God's blood! A most favorite medieval oath in Crispin Guest novels. And oh my goodness, a sharp comment on this Crispin novel with surprises around every corner.
I don't want to give anything away but the encounters dogging Crispin's progress are almost a catalogue of The Tracker's life until now.
Miraculous really!
So Crispin is having a drink at his favorite watering hole, the Boar's Tusk tavern when some unknown fellow leaves a parcel for him with the words, "You'll know what to do with it."
The roughly wrapped bundle is an ancient leather bound book written in an unknown language, although our Crspin has some clue. However as he goes about trying to have this codex deciphered, death dogs those individuals he involves. Powerful enemies are abroad! This relic, shrouded in secrecy, is attracting those who would destroy all knowledge of it. Crispin fears for the life of Jack Tucker's family, now his family. Crispin and Jack have added impetuous for solving the mystery.
Added to this there seems to be a person abroad presenting himself to Londoners as The Tracker. This cannot be allowed to continue. Crispin's tracker reputation is all he has left and he guards it jealously.
Thinking back to the younger Crispin and contrasting him to the older more thoughtful, even wiser person he now is, rounds out the Crispin we all know and love, even when we are cross with him.
In many ways this story, apart from the mysteries involved, is a catalogue that points towards the emotional healing of Crispin. This more mature Crispin is a soothing balm.
I'm hoping for more resolution in this area in future works.

A Severn House ARC via NetGalley



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