British tale of Daring-Do at it's best!

The Spies of Shilling Lane by Jennifer Ryan

Set during World War II, this is a rather extraordinary story with ordinary people called to do their best and in impeccable British tradition draw themselves up by their boot strings and sally forth, umbrellas at the ready (metaphorically speaking).
Mrs. Braithwaite, a self important village doyenne, finds herself drummed out as head of the local Women’s Voluntary Service, and takes herself to London to find her daughter Betty.
Betty though has disappeared and Mrs. Braithwaite will let nothing stop her pursuit of her daughter. She even evangels her daughter's timid landlord, Mr Norris to help her.
Their quest turns up all sorts from black marketeers to nazi sympathizers.
Mrs Braithwaite throws her energies into the search for Betty like an avenging Miss Marples with a healthy dose of Hyacinth Bucket, or maybe Boedica, and Mr. Norris comes into his own.
These two gutsy eccentric characters find their mojo, rescue the missing Betty and bring down a spy ring, along with a few other pluses.
A weaving of events that leads to an amusing and captivating read with moments of intense revelation. But then what can you expect from the author of "The Spies of Shilling Lane?" Why, nothing less than the exceptional!
Indeed this is the very human side of wartime on the Homefront with some added humor and a few surprising extras.

A Crown Publishing ARC via NetGalley



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