... problem solved ... sort of!

Seduced by a Scot by (Highland Grooms #6) by Julia London       

A well to do Scottish family has a problem. Their ward has attracted the eye of their daughter's fiancé. Of course Maura Darby is to blame! Not! I fairly burned at the treatment this young woman had handed out to her by the Garbett family who was supposed to protect her. As for the weak willed groom who threw himself at Maura and was not man enough to own that it was he who made advances! Words fail me!
The family turns to Nichol Bain, a fixer of dilemmas the aristocracy finds themselves in.
His answer is very neat.  He aims to kill two birds with one stone as it were by marrying Maura off to an older bachelor Nichol had been asked to find a wife for.
Only Nichol had not counted on Maura and her will!
I found this to be somewhat of a roller coaster read. I felt for Maura and her treatment by the family. I was appalled by their actions of taking her heirloom necklace, the only thing she had from her mother.
I enjoyed Nichol, but the chemistry between him and Maura was a non event for me.
There were however some intriguing and humorous moments despite my previous comment.

A NetGalley ARC



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