"A long, slow falling in love." “Tigers. Of course it’s tigers.”

After the Wedding (The Worth Saga #2) 
by Courtney Milan    

These are two phrases that struck me as significant inferences in this story. 
As the opening action, two people who scarcely know each other are getting married--at gun point!  The groom had dreamt of a different way of marrying, like his parents, a falling in love. The bride just wanted someone to care. Neither was having those dreams fulfilled.
A recurring theme in this very different story from Lauren's is about going on, not giving up hope. Tigerish! This state of being is beautifully enlarged on later.
Then there's things people say and do in the heat of the moment and how that can impact life directions.
At the time when they were orphaned, Judith Worth literally lost her sister when she took her sister Camilla to task for choosing the promise of a wonderful life from their uncle over the family. Judith wanted to keep family together. Camilla, at only twelve was seduced by her uncle's words of comfort and food. She didn't want to starve.
Did either of them know what they were doing. No!
It takes another sister and brother, Theresa and Benedict, to eventually track her down.
Camilla was cast adrift by the savior uncle, passed on like a parcel in the game of the same name. Each move was less salubrious than the last. She has changed her name and is trying to hold on to hope. All her life she's been reduced, ignored and belittled. And she's fought that every inch of the way. At one point she heart wrenchingly exclaims, “I won’t let them have me. I won’t let them make me weaker or stupider. I’m not going to let them take me away.” Because that's slowly what's been happening to her. She's been made lesser! She's become nobody!
Working as a maid seems as far as Camilla could go down the power ladder, but alas that is not so. Camilla Worth aka Camilla Winters is caught in a fight between two bishops. As has the groom, Adrian Hunter. Adrian's family is somewhat different to the rest of English society.  Their father was an abolitionist, their mother a Lady, the Bishop's sister. Adrian and his siblings have mixed heritage. Adrian is hopeful of having his Bishop uncle acknowledge the family. To this end he does favors for the bishop. Let's be clear, Adrian's family is wealthy. 
On a quest for his uncle, as part of a bargain to have the Bishop acknowledge the Hunters as family. Adrian masquerads as a valet. He is discovered in a locked room with the housemaid Camilla. It's just a few short steps and a gun to marriage. An annulment is the next thing on the list to obtain. All these factors come together as Cam and Adrian make their way towards his revered uncle seeking help and assurances.
Of course betrayal's on the cards. As is attraction!
A regency romance with a difference that pursues social injustices that are still present today.
Cam's sister Theresa is just wonderful and we leav
e her breaking loose on another quest. I can't wait for that to be uncovered!

A NetGalley ARC



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