Sagara's Elantra novels are just so visceral!

Cast in Deception (The Chronicles of Elantra #13)    by Michelle Sagara


I didn't think I would be giving this latest Elantra novel 5 stars when I was a quarter of the way through. But but the end I was saying Yes, Yes, Yes!
Once again we plow through acres of the in between portal paths with Kaylin (Private Neya) and Bellusdeo (Dragon Lord), in search of the Barrani Cohort, the lost one, Teela's companions in her testing. And no this this did not start off as choice! Kaylin and Bel were literally thrown into the situation by the elemental water.
As Kaylin described to Helen, her sentient living space,
' "we have a Barrani war band, the threat of war, a High Court in revolt, Barrani Lords in collusion with a fief lord to enter Ravellon, and an elemental water that’s terrified enough of something that she grabbed me and threw me at the West March. And at the heart of it all: Ravellon.”'
Those left behind who are now wanting to return are at the heart of the matter. Teela's is up in arms, Tain close behind, and all of Elantra is tense.
On the way we have a new creature well met, a creature Kaylin names in an entirely Kaylin way, 'Spike.'
And yes the ending has me waiting not so patiently for what more is to come.
Another riveting read joins the series I love.

A NetGalley ARC



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