Nothing ventured-nothing gained!

The Duke of Nothing (The 1797 Club #5)    by Jess Michaels


I really enjoyed this story. Baldwin Undercross, Duke of Sheffield is burdened with crushing inherited debts. Not to mention his own contribution to the problem. These debts he's kept secret from his family, and more to the point, his closest friends.  Marriage to an heiress is the only thing that will save the family estates, the tenants' livelihoods, and turn Baldwin's fortunes around.
The American heiress might be the very thing! And Baldwin had already met her and been impressed! Only he'd met Helena Monroe, the heiress' companion--not the heiress.
What a to do!
Add to this a house party that Baldwin never wanted, given by his sister, that is proving far too expensive, draining what little resources available at every turn. Ice sculptures indeed!
Will Baldwin ever come through? What of his doomed relationship with the companion, a woman he's come to admire, the woman who's captured his heart? It seems Baldwin has only two choices--marry the heiress or lose all!
There's a lot going on here and it all meshes well.

A NetGalley ARC



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