Such a wonderful book!

The Chilbury Ladies Choir  by Jennifer Ryan.     


Capturing the desperate times, the loss and grief that touched every corner of ' this sceptres isle.'  This novel really goes to the heart of things for women on the Homefront in WW2 England.
There's the microcosm view of society through village life (as Miss Marple always says)
The angry gentry in form of the Brigadier, the women of his household
 bullied and fascinating whose lives and secrets are pivotal to the novel. Then there's the village nurse and the midwife, the black marketeers,  the requisite domineering lady of the village and a host of others. 
There's the wonderful Miss  Prim who takes the village women from a subservient role of women knowing where their place is to one of active courage.
There's spies and romance.
The story is written in letter form, which adds to the drama and the feel of the era.
I was glued to every word and to every plot twist that fell off the page into my rather active imagination.

A NetGalley ARC

