Humor and happenstance!

Caught by the Scot (Made to Marry #1) by Karen Hawkins


Another ultimatum type story where the hero/protagonist must marry in order to secure his fortune. Unfortunately his target bride will not go quietly into the night!
Miss Theodora Cumberbatch-Snowe has always adored her brother's friend Connor Douglas  but marriage to him would be that of a sometime bride as the dashing Scots privateer hied off on more adventures leaving her behind.
Hence the idea to settle for the steadfast squire Lancelot Fox. He has little imagination and great expectations of a wife who knows her womanly place. He has forgotten to tell Theodora all this. Her answer to her Connor problem is an elopement. An elopement with mishaps, where the spurned suitor catches up with them. Connor is about to have his comeuppance, delivered by that supposedly biddable young woman.
After a month's carousing Connor returns to find his targeted bride had fled the coop. This cannot be allowed to happen, she is after all the perfect bride; respectable, meek and mild--NOT!
A delightful somewhat sensual romp with a goodly dose of humor!

A NetGalley ARC



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