All is not as it seems!

To Kiss a Thief (Runaway Desires #1) by Susanna Craig    

What do you do when your husband and others discover you in the arms of of a handsome officer, apparently somewhat tipsy, disheveled and with the family heirloom necklace missing from around your neck?
Sarah Pevensey Sutliffe tried to proclaim her innocence. No-one believed her, including her husband. And so she left, assisted on her way by her mother-in-law, with hints of transportation ringing in her ears.
Sarah's marriage had been arranged. She had fled to the library on hearing her husband declaring his love for another woman. And that's when the action unfolded.
Having disappeared and thought dead for three years, Sarah is found by her husband Lord St. John Sutcliffe, Viscount  Fairfax, who  upon returning from Antigua, learned that he is not a widower as he thought.
The story of their reunion is fraught with misunderstandings and distrustfulness. 
I must admit to being somewhat cross with St. John. He sulks like an overgrown man child and is constantly reviewing his opinion of Sarah. Give over St. John!
Still, things unravel and then are knitted somewhat slowly back into something more.
Moments of excitement dot the landscape giving a story one can follow along readily, having forgiven St. John...
A complex and interesting Georgian romance.

A NetGalley ARC

I so enjoyed Susanna's discussion with author Susana Ellis of the small village she modelled Haverhythe on--Clovelly. This is quite an interesting discourse and can be found on Susana Ellis' author page. I found it added an extra depth to my understanding about the making of the novel.



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