Inadvertent folly just might surprise.

Lord Fenton's Folly (Proper Romance) by Josi Kilpack  

Alice Stanbridge was only a young girl,when Charles Fenton walked into her life.
This is a charming episode that should have been the avenue that led towards a happy life for them. Years later, when Alice has her come out season, she thought that the Charles she'd glimpsed then was the Charles of now.    
Lord Fenton has done all that he can to cause discomfort to his father. He dresses like a Marconi, is perpetually drunk, gambles and takes part in ill advised pranks.
This time his father has demanded he change his ways or be disinherited.
As marriage is part of the requirement, Charles' eyes fall upon the newly acquainted Alice.
It is only after the marriage that Alice realizes that Charles does not care for her. How can she comport herself, how can they present to the world the face of a happily married couple when the truth is so disheartening.
When her mother-in-law, Lady Chariton falls ill, Alice accompanies her to her family estate. This is Lady Chariton's first visit in many years. Here secrets will be revealed and Alice will be tested, as will Charles.
This is not your usual romance. Can forgiveness intervene in the relationship Alice and Charles now have? Certainly changes are in the wind but the road is strewn with rocks.
The old adage 'Marry in haste, repent at leisure' never sounded so true.
Mistakes and follies of the past, unacknowledged and unresolved, have led to Charles' current state. But folly can be reclaimed and what might have appeared folly at first glance might become unlooked for wisdom.

A NetGalley ARC



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