...murder and more!

From Bruges with Love (The Pieter Van In Mysteries) by Pieter Aspe, Brian Doyle (Translator)

Ah Perrier or Duvel., sparkling water or an ice cold Belgian beer.   
 Inspector Pieter Van is in the midst of an enforced diet and now a murder. Both are annoying!
Van In is a knockabout police detective who follows his own rules. He's kept somewhat in line by his wife Hannelore Martens, the deputy public prosecutor. I enjoyed both these characters and their interactions.
At this stage they are pregnant. 
Van In's reflections on child rearing are interesting, particularly as he contemplates his own forthcoming event in this area, 
'For Van In there was only one Spock. And with him at least he could hope— beam them up, Scotty.'
Ok a few dated phrases, but maybe it goes with the translation. When Hannelore reflects on becoming  pregnant and the difference for men and women she uses the term 'wham bam, Thank you ma'am! (I thought good grief... I haven't heard that old chestnut for years! Is this a translation thing or does Aspe really write that in Belgian? That moment felt like a B grade movie excerpt.)
This mystery has it all, murder, corruption and worse in high places. 
Van In's dubious methods of getting to the truth place at least one person in a diabolical situation.
For all that I did enjoy, I found the book's plot somewhat erratic, which is probably why I took so long to finish reading it.

A NetGalley ARC



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