Duels and dilemmas!

The Earl Claims a Bride (The Heirs' Club #2) by Amelia Grey

Who would have thought that a duel could lead to an enforced marriage? Certainly not Harrison Thornwick. But it's amazing what pressure from the Prince of the realm can achieve. Thornwick is determined to thwart the prince.
Angelina Rule was all set to make her come-out but when informed by her father that she must contract a marriage with Thornwick so that her father might be saved from debtor's prison her life is thrown into turmoil.
When Thornwick first sights Angelina at a ball he is irrevocably drawn towards her. As he later reflects, 'He'd walked away from love once before and no matter how many times over the years he'd told himself it would be easier the second time, it wasn't true.'
The problem is that Angelina is having none of him. An expert miniature painter, she determines to use her skill to buy back her fathers debts. Secretly she paints fans and miniatures for society ladies to hoard the money needed. Thornwick is going to have to use all the weapons in his charm arsenal to capture Angelina's heart.
Because there is also Angelina's true love, Captain Maxwell, whom although there was no overt understanding between them, Angelina has been waiting for. How could Thornwick compete against a more mature gentleman and officer, the man whose return Angelina has dreamt about?
This second entry into the Heirs' Club series is a worthy addition, with some surprising twists and turns.

A NetGalley ARC



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