...love and duty!
A Rake by Any Other Name (Somerfield Park) by Mia Marlowe
A father in a wheelchair with his mind wandering, an estate on the edge of ruin and now an heiress with deep pockets courtesy of the Indian trade being dangled in front of him are not what Richard
Barrett, Lord Hartley wants to face when he's recalled home by the family to set things to right.
After all, he's in love with another and all but ready to declare himself. Marriage to another is no part of his plans.
The heiress, one Miss Sophie Goodnight wants none of Richard, nor for that matter any man. A true original, forthright in speech and action, who daring quite takes Hartley's breath away.
Certainly when these two meet the sparks fly, and the they need to tread carefully to avoid conflagration.
Sophie is touchingly innocent in that forthrightness, in her desire to set the world to rights and to be accepted for herself. Her confidence or rather difference comes of course of being brought up in the more exotic and colourful background that was India. Whilst this does not make her the ideal tea party hostess it does make her a bright accent of colour against the more formal rule abiding aristocracy.
Hartley finds himself more and more drawn to Sophie, although of course his one true love, Antonia is in attendance at the family holdings.
With a hint of scandal and more this was a most heartfelt read.
A father in a wheelchair with his mind wandering, an estate on the edge of ruin and now an heiress with deep pockets courtesy of the Indian trade being dangled in front of him are not what Richard

A NetGalley ARC
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