...dark and dangerous secrets

Secrets in Scarlet (The Rookery Rogues Book 2) by Erica Monroe 

Sergeant Thaddeus Knight is not your normal 'Peeler.' For him being part of the Met is a calling, a duty, a responsibility to do his best for the inhabitants of the rookeries, and he's thorough. A Shakespeare quoting, Eton raised grandson of the second son of an Earl, as his father keeps declaring. Thaddeus has 'bloodline.'         
When a young girl dies in his arms Thaddeus driving intent is to find her murderer...and that leads him to Poppy O'Reilly. He is drawn to her from the first. For Poppy however, Thaddeus has 'danger' tattooed across his forehead.
I enjoyed this novel far more than the first in the Rookery series, A Dangerous Invitation. The writing is crisp. The storyline is tighter. The introduction of Poppy and Thaddeus folds seamlessly around the young murdered factory girl. Despicable crooks are a threat to all. Once more the rookeries, the dark underbelly of London in the 1830's, is revealed, a source of intrigue, mystery and romance, and yet an intimately human community, caring and communal, with its own set of rules for support and survival. There's thuggery and treachery.
Old characters are revisited, and new introduced.
The scarlet theme runs through, of blood shed, of poppies flourishing, of women betrayed and secrets killed for, of darkly dangerous hinted at situations.
An excellent read.

A NetGalley ARC


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