A delectably pleasurable read!

A Wicked Pursuit: A Breconridge Brothers Novel (The Breconridge Brothers) by Isabella Bradford  

I just really enjoyed A Wicked Pursuit.
I found myself smiling at some little absurdity and outright chuckling at others. 
Of course my heart was wounded when Gus's (that's Miss Augusta Wetherby) heart was wounded, and at moments both cross and understanding of Harry (Charles Neville Fitzroy, fourth Earl of Hargreave).  
Harry is actually pursuing Gus's more beautiful half sister, Miss Julia Wetherby.
When Harry is badly injured in a riding accident at the Wetherby's country home, and sister Julia hies off to London unable to face the thought of the dashing Harry an invalid, Gus is the one who nurses Harry through this traumatic time. Actually Julia can't bear the possibility of being saddled with a cripple.
Harry is such a petulant roguish character with the heart of gold and Gus is the level headed enchanting Cinderella who comes to believe in them and herself.
Mind you Harry is also something of a spoiled brat at times, but we forgive him, as we are meant to. He can be very charming and persuasive.
And of course we meet a pride of careless relations and overbearing ones.
A Wicked Pursuit is just the thing for a leisurely, not too complicated reading time, a worthy novel to languish over on a cosy afternoon, or evening, or really whenever.
But most of all what Wicked is, is a plain old-fashioned completely delectable love story!

A NetGalley ARC


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