loved it!

Paris Letters by Janice MacLeod  
I enjoyed 'Paris Letters' immensely. The story of one woman's walk, well flight really, to redefinition. Janice MacLeod of 'Clan MacLeod' and 'the Highander' (a recurring joke), a successful advertising writer, one day took a deep breathe and decided to try for a new direction. Her mission, to see what the world could offer her and what she could offer the world. Her aim, two years travel in Europe with Rome and Paris on the top of the list. Her goal was to save a $100 a day. Her savings plan is brilliant. (I could learn a bit, although I'm already practising some of her savings ideas. I do cook and chop my own vegetables.
I loved her beginning place, 'My first trip to Paris began in my underwear drawer.' A great line!
Her message is that de-cluttering is the place to start. This chapter was thought provoking. Her pared down wardrobe she sees as giving her, 'a certain freedom in not having so many choices.' I love the idea. Janice's recommendation no.7, that, 'buying things on sale doesn't save money' because your still spending something is true but oh so hard to refrain from. Certainly I could do with following much of Janice's advice. In many ways a self help book, this is also an engaging look at life and love, traveling and pursuing goals. Her three muses, her inner voice characterizations, offer excellent advice that is spot on.  Janice's time in Paris and the wonderful drawings / letters she writes, the business she builds using her talents are inspirational. And then there is Christophe, the man she meets in Paris. The Paris streets  and people come alive under her pen. You walk them with her.
Readable and très agréable!

A NetGalley ARC


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