...'she loved him quietly'_______31/2 stars

The Cracked Slipper (The Cracked Slipper Series) by Stephanie Alexander

This adult Cinderella story with a twist is the story of love story gone awry. It showcases the less than perfect prince, Gregory, a drunken womanizer, and a strong heroine, his wife Eleanor.
Dorian, the handsome prince's friend has our heroine pulled between duty and love, family and feeling, what might have been and what will be.    

Family secrets are revealed and new secrets held close.
Then there's unicorns and dragons, talking parrots and witches and magicians.
And let's not forget the slipper. The preface gives an interesting interpretation on that lost slipper. I love the title, the 'cracked' slipper, a wonderful metaphor. It sums up the heartache, the misplaced love, misplaced assumptions, and the not so happily ever after reality.
A fresh look at age old themes, including the love triangle.

A NetGalley ARC


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