'Choices count!'

Eat Move Sleep: How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes by Tom Rath 

'Choices count. You can make decisions today that will give you more energy tomorrow.'
Opening words that zap straight into my guilt ridden consciousness. 
I know this!
Can this manifest be the one to help?
I am older, seem to sleep less and my range of movement is somewhat curtailed.
All of which I know could be helped by weight loss.
Certainly the courage demonstrated by Tom helps to focus one's thoughts.
Small steps. That idea gabs my attention.
Of course I just had to sign up for the online personal program. (I did think the questionnaire was geared towards a younger demographic)
...and there are timely reminders
'even modest increases in proteins, coupled with a reduction in carbohydrates, helps us.' Good news as I love my protein. Maybe a bit too much.
Read labels and 'set goals. Go for products that have a ratio 1 gram of carbohydrates to 1 gram protein.' That's a great hint.
The treadmill with monitor I would love to try but space is a huge problem.
They are so ugly you need a basement to hide them in.

What Tom says I think we've mostly seen before.
What sets this book apart is its short chapters with 3 steps to immediately implement.
In other words the book has been designed for easy access that doesn't overwhelm the reader. That galvanizes me. I can cope with small bites.
The web support is an added bonus.
Certainly a fresh look at the whole weight loss conundrum.

A NetGalley ARC


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