Grr! Lairds!

The Lyon and the Lass: The Lyon’s Den Connected World by Callie Hutton 



Lady Christine Spencer is an heiress whose wicked guardian uncle is going to force her into marriage with his lewd friend and holder of his debts.

Christine escapes by knotting the sheets together, tying her homemade rope to the bed and climbing out the window, escaping to a new future thanks to Mrs Dove Lyon.

The man she’s now destined to marry is a Scott, Laird Kerrigan Lindsay. His clan has suffered setbacks with a sheep ailment, bluetongue disease, wiping out most of the clan’s herd.

He needs an heiress to help his people come good.

Unfortunately he really has little idea of how strange her circumstances are to Christine and how his clan will react to her. At Luffness Castle he announces to the clan that Christine is his wife and then hares off to Edinburgh (on business to be sure but... Christine is left knowing no-one and having to organize the Keep. for goodness sake! By now I’m ready to explode. 

Of course it all came right but it just seemed to slide towards the finale. I’m not too sure about well meaning young men and their valiant much put upon ladies. 

Still it was sort of cute.

A Dragonblade ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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