A body, smugglers, and French spies!

The Dead Sang Off Key (Viscount Lord Ware #4) by J.L. Buck     


Lady Anne Ashburn discovers a young girl’s body in a cave whilst out walking with her maid Jenny along the beach at the village of Seaford, near to Brighton. 

Anne’s beloved mother had passed away some six moths ago. Anne and her father, Lord Chadley, had decided to spend the summer by the sea, away from sad memories. However her father has now decamped to London for the the resumption of Parliament and the House of Lords

Lady Anne reports her find to the local constabulary. After searching the cave and the surrounding area they find nothing. (It also seems much  of the village participates in smuggling!) The magistrate and his wife disparage Anne’s insistence that a body had been there. So of course Anne writes to Lucien, Lord Ware!

Serendipitously, he’s searching for the daughter of the Secretary to the Spanish envoy, Rosa Maria Hidalgo, who’s been kidnapped. (What are the odds!? 🤣)

Oh and the French have placed a price on Ware’s head. He’s in so much trouble!

Between Anne and her new friends (Mmm that’s fascinating!), Ware and Sherry, and Charlie Cade Gentleman Thief, matters become complex, puzzling, tense and dangerous until the final chapter is played out.

We are left with Ware’s attraction for Anne being out in the open (Hurrah!) and Ware wondering when his further debt to Cade will be called to account!

A Camel ARC via Booksirens                                            

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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