New trials! Same story—the pursuit of power!

City of Woe (Simon Merrivale Mystries #6) by A J MacKenzie           


Oh my! I’m besotted with King’s Messanger Simon Merrivale and his quests. He’s ordered to Florence. He has a Florentine banking house in his sights. King Edward charges Simon to find the money missing from the treasury, and to place the english Bishop of Dorchester, Henry Stapleton, on the papal throne in Rome in direct opposition to the French Pope Clement VI in Avignon. It’s time for France’s power, including papal, to cease.

The main action is in Florence with the famous houses of history dropping from the lips like the Medici’s—the new men at this stage. 

I must admit description of frescoes, art works, triptychs, pietas in Florence and Pisa stirred my blood. It all sounds wonderful.

Mackenzie takes you there! The mixing of paints from crushed precious stones, the colours and application—all stunning descriptions

There’s plots and counterplots, betrayals and love in unasked for places.

1340’s Italy is both magnificent and feral. 

A riveting read!

A Canelo ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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