A close call for the World’s End Bureau!

The Stranger in the Asylum (World’s End Bureau Mystery #4) by Alys Clare  


Ex nurse Lily Raynor’s detective prowesses continue to grow as she takes on another case for the World’s End Bureau, the enquiry agency she’s started.

Lily’s been asked to try and prove the innocence, or guilt, of Phyllida Westwood’s ex fiancé, Wilberforce Chibb. Chibb is currently residing in an asylum in Paimpont, Brittany. He's accused of murdering his father and is now an inmate of that institution. Phyllida wants the truth.

Lily’s assistant, Felix Wilbraham, has been in Paris tying up some loose ends about an inheritance left to him by his former lover Solange Devaux Moncontour. It had been withheld by the family solicitors. (Some of Felix’s past coming to light. Hmm!)

Lily telephones Felix to have him stay in Paris and meet her.

Their investigations take them into that Breton asylum, rescuing Will the young man whose been condemned for a murder he possibly hasn’t committed. They flee up to the Pyrenees, into Switzerland, back to Paris trekking unknown trails, and onto England all the time being relentlessly pursued by English and German intelligence organizations. Gun toting secret agents not withstanding, they finally make it to England. Always their pursuers seem to be if not one step ahead, then close on their heels?!

An intriguing and dark, bordering on the Gothic mystery, that smacks of plots, counter plots, and hidden secrets.

A Severn House ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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