Mental health and anxiety!

Love, Just In by Natalie Murray   


Friends to lovers romance that’s complicated, heart breaking and strangely surprising. Set in Australia this is the tale of two friends.

Josie Larson and Zac Jameson have been friends since they first met years ago when Josie changed schools, from a private girls school to the local high school

They did everything together. When Zac asks her to be his girlfriend, Josie said No but even then she’d wondered about a Yes!

They went to university together, had too much to drink together, laughed and mourned—together.

Now it’s fifteen years later and Josie’s a television journalist. Recently she had a panic attack on air and froze. In an attempt to regain her mojo and prove she’s fine, Josie’s moving from Sydney down to Newcastle to consolidate her experience. She has an eye to reclaiming her reputation, and anchoring the Sydney desk in the near future.

Zac is in Newcastle, a paramedic. He’s been through a hard time with his fiancĂ© dying in his arms after a car accident a few years ago. He and Josie had lost touch.

Josie makes contact with Zac and a new chapter begins with plenty of drama, treasured moments and surprises.

The story moves along at a fast pace, poised between the past and now. 

An intriguing and absorbing read. I adored it.

There’s plenty of humor, hand in hand with more serious moments of Josie’s health anxiety, an illness that is real, obsessive and lonely.

An Allen & Unwin ARC invite via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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