Murder and more!

Death from the Druid's Grove (Keir and Levett Mystery #2) by Deb Marlowe      


Marlowe’s portrayal of Kara Levett, the rather stunning young woman with position and riches, who lives the life she wants constructing automations in Victorian England is brilliant!

Niall Kier, the rather gorgeous and mysterious Scot who forges masterpieces, panels of wrought iron, is equally as fascinating.

Together they sparkle. Their friendship asks nothing and gives everything. Last we met they were tracking down a killer in the Crystal Palace whilst avoiding the police and in particular Mr. Lionel Wooten, an inspector with Scotland Yard.

Here, Kara is being inducted into the Order of Druidic Bards, along with another candidate Miss Janet Ottridge, whose rendition of a poem is somewhat threatening.

How threatening is later demonstrated when Miss Ottridge is found dead, having drunk a tea laced with poisonous plants from the Druid’s grove!

Members of the Druid’s group come under scrutiny when an accounting notebook with details of what looks like amounts of money is listed next to some prominent names about town. The ugly thought of blackmail is mooted. A reason for her death, and a list of suspects!

Kara and Niall work together with their friend Inspector Wooten, to find out all they can about Janet Ottridge. The trail leads into the past and a deplorable, murky event that had shocked the public.

Kara has noticed a particular woman watching them. It seems this person is not involved with the current case but has ill feelings towards Kara. Why?

The plot captivated me! As the story ended I was left wondering just how quickly Deb Marlowe’s pen can produce the next in the series? Soon, I hope!

A Dragonblade ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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