A flustered kidnapee!

 Flames of Winter (Flames of Winter #1) by Bree Wolf   


I must say this dragged on as an annoying, chicken hearted, young woman who could scarcely put one foot in front of another finally took action. Scolded or rather berated on one shoulder by the voice of her mother and encouraged on the other by the voice of Grandma Edie, Sarah has screwed up enough courage to flee her situation.

Sarah Mortensen, daughter to Baron Hartmore, was to be given in marriage to a older man as payment for her father’s gambling debts. The night before her wedding she managed to leave the house in the middle of the night, get into a carriage and decamp out of London, escorted by an unknown gentleman, Keir MacKinnear, second son of a Highland Laird. Keir does all he can to make this timid mouse not fear him, but Sarah’s more like a deer caught in the cross fires than anything else. Keir has been sent by Grandma Edie to perform a little task for her. A feigned abduction, a ‘kidnapping!’

The rest of the novel divided itself between Sarah being teased by Keir and her gathering her courage. Keir refers to her as ‘little wisp’. We have occasional glimpses of anger from her unpleasant fiancé, Albert Harris, Baron Blackmore. Then there’s machinations of the Dowager Countess, Lady Whickerton, the grandmother of her closest friend. Yes known to the family as Grandma Edie.

It all ends with an HEA that didn’t come quickly enough for me.

A Wolf ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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