Christmas on the river’s edges!
A Christmas Deliverance by Anne Perry
At last a story about our favourite medico in the poor areas around the docks—Dr. Crowe, and how he gains a family in spite of the dangers he finds himself in. After all family comes in all shapes and sizes and maybe a chosen one has other special qualities.
Will Monk (known as Scuff), Hesta and William Monk’s son, is studying medicine and being mentored by Crowe. He realizes that he now thinks of Crowe’s practice as his home. We meet a small girl with no name, a survivor on the streets who pays Crowe with a kitten. Oh, and helps him eat some soup! This was all so loveable, sweet and tragic at the same time. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. A young woman, Ellie Hollister, whose life Crowe saved a year ago comes back into his life, and now it looks like Crowe’s trying to save her again. This time from a fiancé she doesn’t want. A Christmas story that gives new hope as Crowe finds a family forming around him, despite the unsavoury conditions and challenges of the area he’s chosen to reside in. There’s also kindness and information for the Doc who saved so many. The inhabitants of those riverfront slum areas don’t forget!
A Random House - Ballantine ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)
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