Gaslight fantasy slowly comes to the boil!

Councilor (Grand Illusion#2) by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.


One man stands against the tide.  Modesitt nails it as far as I can see. Modesitt’s voice is recognisable. As steam powered machinery displaces personnel, social unrest is not very far away. The tone and the belief that things can get better despite the way things are, flies in the face of the ‘what is.’ Corporations are busy gathering power. Self-interest is evident.

Stefan Dekkard and Avraal Ysella are now married and living with Avraal’s sister, Emrelda, a District Patroller, whose husband has gone missing, presumed dead.

“It’s been a long time, if ever, since the council has had an isolate councilor married to a powerful empath from a regal lineage, both of whom are experienced security aides.” People are nervous!

Dekkard, Avraal and Emrelsa go about their business in a regulated way. They have systems that help. The three don’t imbibe to freely. They have breakfast and when possible, dinner together either at home or more infrequently out. They are not lavish. The food is a central part of Modesitt’s novels; the coming together over a meal, the catchup on moments of the day. This says something about the author, this attention to detail. 

And always we’re on edge, waiting for that moment when a simple person being on the street is more than that, where a vehicle might be out of place. 

Dekkard, now a Councilor, has been given the task of drafting policy to reorganize the Security Ministry—an agency thats grown in power with little or no overriding authority. Deckkard makes changes in that process, but not quickly enough. Always we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.

By grounding his story in a world where some people are Isolates and Empaths, we have a situation that fluctuates and yet calls for stability. 

I found the exercising of steps to uncover who is answerable to whom slowing to a crawl except where it isn’t. Each “brick in the wall” uncovered is another minute move forward.  Where have the unaccounted explosives, the dunnite, has gone and who is controlling the movement of assets? As Dekkard moves forward things happen. He’s like a dog with a bone, small moves that flush the aggressor out, never good for those around him, but necessary.

This slow inexorable march forward, of changes coming, is attractive. To stand still will not work. Change is the only way, but that change needs the will to stand against corrupt multinationals in an ordered way. Once again “order” raises its head.

I am puzzled by the book that Ingella Obreduur, Legaist and wife of Axel Obreduur has lent Dekkard and Avraal. I know it has purpose but just what it is I still have to get my head around. (There have been other series where a book has an important part.)

I am glued to Modesitt’s processes. When I came to the ending I immediately wanted more. I thirst for what Dekkard’s actions uncover, even as I mourn the loss of good people. I’m hooked!

A Macmillan-Tor/Forge ARC via NetGalley.                                              

Many thanks to the author and publisher.

Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change


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