When needs must!

A Ladies Guide to Fortune Hunting by Sophie Irwin


Kitty Talbot must marry and marry well within the next four months else her beloved siblings will be left virtually homeless. That means off to London for a season, fortune hunting with a vengeance. How to gain access to the higher echelons of the ton is only a minor setback, and acquiring an Almack’s voucher?  Well! Kitty lays her plans, garnishes her intuition and takes leaps of faith when the situation presents. Her goal is firm and unwavering. Family first!

Only Kitty doesn’t plan on running across James, the Earl of Radcliffe, who recognises at a glance this young woman’s mission, an outsider spinning the wheel of chance. Although he doesn’t perceive the reasons driving her.

Of course there are confrontations, annoyingly so. Witty repartee, humorous situations with a real poignancy of fighting for loved ones, flows underneath. Kitty is a breath of fresh air à la Heyer.

A pleasing read with a couple of fractiously determined, yet loveable leads. 

A Viking ARC via NetGalley. Many thanks to the author and publisher.


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