Family and secrets in The Scottish Highlands! 1832.

A Perilous Perspective (Lady Darby Mystery #19) by Anna Lee Huber 


Gage and Kiera! How can I not be as equally as entranced with this 10th volume as I was with the beginning.

Sebastian Gage and his wife Lady Kiera, along with their recently born daughter Emma, travel to Argyle, Scotland to be present for Kiera’s cousin Rye Mallory’s marriage to her friend Charlotte, Lady Stratford. The wedding is to take place at Kiera’s uncle’s estate, Barbreck Manor on the shores of Loch Craignish.

It’s here that Kiera will discover more about her mother, and her relatives from that side of her family in general.

Kiera is entranced by the idea of spending time with her uncle, the Marquess of Barbrek’s reputable and vast collection of art works. Unsettlingly, she discovers some of the revered works in the Manor’s long galley are forgeries; capped off by finding the body of a maid in the gallery underneath a false Van Dyke. (I was fascinated by the discussion of brush strokes btw.) The maid, from a neighbouring property, the Campbell’s, has been poisoned. But with what? A slow build up to an unforeseen climax with another death—the maid’s father. Kiera’s maid Bree is endangered and there are several possible culprits, along with the whys and wherefore of the forgeries. Bree and Sebastian’s valet Anderley have been following up questions around the deaths.

All link together for a compelling read, with so much at stake. Once more the tale ends with trouble beckoning, luring us into the future of this extraordinary couple, their sweet daughter, and their servant/companions.

A Berkley Group ARC via NetGalley 
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)


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