Curiouser and curiouser!

Sword and Shadow (Wolves of Elantra #2)


How can you not be inspired by Severn Handred’s story? His challenges and choices inspire as he journeys to the West Marshes, and on into the heart of the Green, I am reminded even more of Kaylin Nyla’s journey through the Green. I wonder how far in the past to that time this is set, and if the now experience will meld with that one. 

Severn and Kaylin still have to come face to face in this series. Intriguing!

As I said before about Severn (GRds) when looking at the first in this series, The Emperor’s Wolves, “I love the quiet energy that emenates from Severn Handred. [The Wolves tales—the Emperor’s assassins] fill in the behind the-scene gaps of the early Elantra stories. I’ve always admired and wondered about Severn. He is a gift that reveals so much, as the past, present and future are intwined.  Severn’s story rounds out and strengthens the Elantra series and Private Kaylin Neya.” 

Severn as a Shadow Wolf—his composure is amazing. And he will need every inch of that control in the West Marshes. Barranari Lord, An’Tellarus wishes Severn to accompany her to the Marshes. As always she keeps close council and has many balls juggling in the air at once. What we know is An’Tellarus marches to the beat of her own drum. Elluvian, the Barrani Wolf who reports directly to the Dragon Emperor must go for his own reasons. Elluvian does not trust An’Tellarus. For Severn this journey is very personal. Once again we are confirmed that honor and integrity are key elements of Severn’s personality.

I relish the insight we are given about this society where the Barranari lead almost ageless lives. That longevity has spawned a society of beings who have old memories, seemingly immortal and yet not. Their contrast with short lived humans is startling. Their children are seen as either pawns or rising adversaries. But for humans it’s different. As one human explains to Severn, “children are important to so many of us: they’re the only form of immortality we have. They’re a part of ourselves that we can leave for the future. If we can’t become people of renown, if our name itself doesn’t become significant in history, it’s our sons and daughters that remain.”

Some questions about the Barrani and the other races are answered, even as new questions arise. Questions about the importance of the West Marches and the Shadow are highlighted.

This particular title, Sword and Shadow, off shoot of the Elantra texts,The Wolves of Elantra, has it all—adventure, mystery, sensitivity and danger.
Like Alice I’m wondering where to next. Which hole (or vortex) am I going to disappear down, who will I meet, and what happens when I get there? I can hardly wait!

Harlequin Trade  ARC via NetGalley 
Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change


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